
Candlestick Mastery Training Course

Candlestick Mastery Stock Trading System

To trade the stockmarket you need to understand charts. Professionals use charts all the time, so amateur traders should at least understand what the professionals are doing. The charts the professional traders use are based on so-called Japanese candlesticks. It is therefore important if you intend trading stocks for a living to get to know what these Japanese candlesticks are and what they mean.

Candlestick Mastery

The Candlestick Mastery Course is a complete course of videos and manuals with support and a private members' area. It currently costs in the region of $70 (click link above for the latest info.) One of the aims of the course is to show you how to distinguish true reversal signals from false signals.

In just 20 minutes a night you will be able to learn how to discover candlestick trades that may be about to make a significant move. This is very useful as it will free you from being overly reliant on other people's opinions.

The trading system also aims to identify predictable swing trades whether the markets are going up or down! Once you have understood the lessons in the candlestick course you should be able to find profitable trades by yourself (assuming you are of average or above average intelligence - which you must be otherwise you wouldn't be reading this!).

The Candlestick Mastery training system includes high quality videos, 2 trading manuals and all the information you need to become proficient in candlestick trading.

Video 7 is the part that shows how scans are carried out for candlestick trades. This should take about 20 minutes each night once you know what you are doing. It scans the entire stock market in a few seconds and presents the highest-potential candlestick-based trades for the following day.

Click to download the Candlestick Mastery Course here

In addition to the videos and manuals there is a Private Area where you can stay up-to-date with the latest trading strategies, plus ongoing training videos, and updates to the main Candlestick course.

There is also a 60 day money-back guarantee.

The Candlestickcourse is aimed at swing traders and scans the markets for you thus taking the legwork outof finding stocks to trade and discovering potential profitable trading patterns. Click on the link below to check out all the details and the current deals on offer.

Thanks for scrolling right down to the bottom of the page! And please note that your friendly blogger will receive a commission if you sign up for the course after reading the details over at the Candlestickcourse site. This helps me continue to run this site. Thank you for your time and take care - stock trading ain't easy!


Sunday Newspaper Share Tips

The EU gets ready to remove 10% from all Cyprus bank accounts

The ECB gets ready to take 10% from all Cyprus bank accounts as they need the money to pay the bankers for their Christmas bonuses. Does it concern you? Yes, if you live in Europe, and probably if you live anywhere else on this planet. It appears that the Germans actually wanted to take 40%.

This means that if you have money in a bank account anywhere in Europe then the ECB can decide that a "one-off levy" would be a good idea and can simply order the banks to remove the money from your account? Think it wouldn't happen? Cyprus will set a precedent, if they are allowed to get away with it.

It means in short that your money doesn't belong to you.

With that cheery thought in mind here are some share tips from the newspapers! Good luck, and start hoarding gold and dollars under your mattress.

MIDAS EXTRA SHARE TIPS: Miner poised to strike gold worth £200m - This is Money
MIDAS EXTRA SHARE TIPS: Miner poised to strike gold worth £200mThis is MoneyTipped by Midas at 2761⁄2p in February last year, the shares have risen 39 per cent to 3843⁄4p as the group has delivered robust

Sunday newspaper share tips: Greencoat | Rio Tinto - This is Money
Sunday newspaper share tips: Greencoat | Rio TintoThis is MoneyWe round up shares tips from the Sunday newspapers. This week tipsters tackle Condor Gold, Tesco, Smiths and Cairn Energy. Midas Extra is our premium share-tipping and investing service, ...

2 Shares Set to Beat the FTSE 100 Today - Motley Fool
2 Shares Set to Beat the FTSE 100 TodayMotley FoolLONDON -- The FTSE 100 (FTSEINDICES: ^FTSE ) has slipped below the 6,500 level, down 0.57% to 6,492 as of 8:05 a.m. EDT. The index of the U.K.'s largest shares did scrape its recent five-year high .


Stock Charts Trending Higher?

Stocks to Watch

With stock markets near all-time highs here are some charts and stocks you might like to consider if you are searching round for ideas on which stocks to risk your hard-earned cash in. Even if you don't intend buying them now you can make a note of them for when the market does correct. It's got to correct some time soon right?

One pundit says the charts indicate the DOW could go to around 14,800 before pulling back around 10% so worth bearing in mind.

10 Top Stock Charts to Watch in March -
10 Top Stock Charts to Watch in MarchInvestorplace.comInstead of watching the Dow Jones, technically oriented traders might be better off watching a handful of individual stocks that could be on the cusp of large moves. With that in mind, here are th ...
Stock bulls vs. bears: A 12-chart battleground - MarketWatch
Stock bulls vs. bears: A 12-chart battlegroundMarketWatchSo we asked these stock gurus what metrics they're looking at to make their investment calls. What makes them believe the new highs represent a floor for stocks? Or, what alarm bells keep them ...
5 Stocks Under $10 Set to Soar -
CNBC.com5 Stocks Under $10 Set to SoarCNBC.comOne under-$10 stock that's trending very close to trigger a major breakout trade is Synacor, a provider of authentication and aggregation solutions for delivery of online content and services. This stock ...


DOW at New High? Really?

DOW at New High - or Is It?

The DOW we are told is at an all-time high but adjusted for inflation it isn't - CNBC’s Jeff Cox writes, “in inflation-adjusted dollars, the Dow would need to hit 15,731.54 to break the record.” In fact, in inflation-adjusted terms, the Dow is still well below it’s 2000 high.

So more smoke and mirrors? Probably, this is the stock market after all, so if you are not prepared to accept that people are trying to manipulate you then don't both stock trading, every company report is an attempt to manipulate you. C'est la vie.

If you are trading stocks the aim is to be smarter than the average bear. Watch the charts and learn what they mean. It all comes out in the charts first!

5 Stocks Favored By Warren Buffett - Seeking Alpha
The Guardian5 Stocks Favored By Warren BuffettSeeking AlphaAt the end of Q4, Berkshire Hathaway initiated positions in three stocks and made additional purchases of 10 stocks.

Stocks to Watch: Staples, PetSmart, Big Lots - Stocks ... - MarketWatch
Retail companies are likely to see action on Wednesday with Staples, PetSmart., and Big Lots slated to release quarterly  Cramer: It's Hard to Get Out of Stocks Now
Cramer thinks Warren Buffett has injected confidence into the market and retail investors shouldn't get out.

The Dow Jones's new high is fake - Washington Post (blog)
The Dow Jones's new high is fakeWashington Post (blog)Or not. That number doesn't adjust for inflation. As CNBC's Jeff Cox writes, “in inflation-adjusted dollars, the Dow would need to hit 15,731.54 to break the record.” In fact, in inflation-adjuste ...
onsumer goods (25.5%) and  ...